The Team

JT Dekker | Co-Owner. Lead Mixer

JT is a bit of a nerd... ok maybe more than a bit. Graduating from Biola University with a bachelors degree in Film Production, JT has always had a bottomless passion for post production sound design.

JT has been professionally making loud noises at NPALL for over 10 years. His comfort zone is sitting in a studio, surrounded by action figures, listening to that car crash for the 100th time just to make sure it’s perfect.

“Easy to work with and down to earth, JT is one of the finest engineers in Nashville” - JT Dekker

Russell Mehringer | Co-Owner. Senior Sound Designer

Russell is a tech fanatic gone creative. He studied physics at Purdue University but ultimately decided that manipulating cow ‘moos’ into spaceship sound effects was a much more valuable use of his time.

Besides building bovine battleship bellows, Russell loves nature and the sounds that come with it. He brings a field recorder with him everywhere, even on his honeymoon!

Russell is also an independent game developer. He makes games under the pseudonym, RDM Games. His games are as random as his personality.